Day 1 - Isaac is finally here! This is the day George told me I'd go to bed one person and wake up a completely different person.
Day 11 - We took Isaac to see Dr. Jung. He had gone from from 7 lbs 3.5 oz at birth to 6 lbs 12 oz at discharge to a whopping 8 lbs 11 days after birth! Just look at that double chin! I decided Isaac needed to go on the 3 hour diet, as suggested by Dr. Jung. That has been hard to maintain, as I am trying not to give him a pacifier in this first month.
Day 13 - Engorgement hits, I start pumping to relieve the pain.
Day 15 - Lynette came to visit. And we got to get out of the house a second time, this time to go visit Joe and Mia and little Joey!
Day 18 - I caved at 3 am when he was crying his head off - I gave him a pacifier mainly because I was too tired to offer myself as a human pacifier. Since then, I don't think a pacifier is all that evil, even though he still sniffles as he's sucking on the pacifier - I feel like I might as well have put duct tape over his mouth to keep him quiet. Somehow, it makes me feel like a failure as a new mom.
Day 19 - We get out of the house a third time. This trip was to the baby boutique to try out baby slings/carriers for Isaac. I wanted to look at the Beco but ended up deciding to wait before purchasing that carrier. I tried out the Java, Hotsling, Moby, and Zolo slings. Isaac picked the Moby over the other slings. It doesn't look great (i.e. it makes me feel like a whale) but it was comfortable and Isaac was soothed and that's what's important.
Day 20 - Isaac slept for 3 or 4 hours straight last night, once we got him to fall asleep. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Suny goes back to work today. But fortunately, all the aches and pains are starting to go away as well. Grandpa comes into town tonight. He is so excited to see Isaac. I hope Isaac behaves for grandpa.
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